Happy National Scotch & Crème Brûlée Day

July 27th 2023

Happy National Crème Brûlée Day AND Happy National Scotch Day.

Two of my favourite things…well not exactly scotch….but any of my friends will tell you I love Canadian whisky.

What’s the difference? The difference is the same as Champagne and sparkling wine. Champagne is only champagne if it comes from the region of Champagne.  Scotch is whiskey made in Scotland. Whisky can be made anywhere. And this is something I just noticed. Canadian Club Whiskey has no E. As it turns out….The ‘E’ refers to the grain. If there is an E it refers to the spirits as being distilled in Ireland and the USA. If Whisky has no E it means that it was distilled in Japan, Canada or Scotland.

This particular Canadian Club is $349 LOL…pretty sure I will stick to the basic bottle with the basic label. CC is a staple in our house. I don’t know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. We named one of our Florida houses the Canadian Club. We named our boat Sea Sea & Pepsea which used to be our mix of choice. We are now CC & Ginger people. 😉


……and can we just talk about Crème  Brûlée for a moment? It happens to be mine and my mums favourite dessert….although having said that I DO LOVE my mum’s rice pudding with NO raisins!

This RECIPE comes from the New York Times with over 5000 approvals. It’s gotta be good!!

Creme Brûlée is also referred to as Trinity cream or burnt cream. The base of this dessert is a yummy custard. The top is a layer of crunchy delicious caramelized sugar. Typically served chilled but the caramelizing process warms it up just a touch. This is my favourite dessert at our favourite restaurant here in town called the Carriage House. If you happen to drop in tell Ivan and Franz that I sent you 😉

Okie dokie….so choose your day to celebrate….whisky or crème  brûlée….or BOTH. 😋

Crème  Brûlée made with whiskey….with an E….from Ireland.

RECIPE from Rachel Allen.


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  • Reply
    Mary Beth Clouse
    July 27, 2023 at 6:42 AM

    Well, good for your mom! It’s just wrong to put raisins in rice pudding!! And thanks for the trivia answer about the E in whisky. I wonder how Kathy and Ray spell it……. For their dog!! Lol.

    • Reply
      August 10, 2023 at 2:53 PM

      Ohhhh….good question!! We will have to ask them.
      And seriously….who started with the raisins in rice pudding? It’s just wrong! 😂

  • Reply
    July 27, 2023 at 7:26 AM

    Haha the ending is perfect!

    • Reply
      August 10, 2023 at 2:54 PM

      Hahaha….haven’t tried it yet Laura. On my radar for sure.
      I wonder if I can talk my favourite restaurant into making it for me? 🤔

  • Reply
    July 27, 2023 at 7:29 AM

    Not many lady whisky drinkers out there with or without an E! I’m with you though. I’m a CC girl too. I also like Crown Royal…but always order a CC first. I drink it with water.

    • Reply
      August 10, 2023 at 2:56 PM

      Ahhhhh…a lady after my own heart. I HAVE tried it with water…but it’s an acquired taste! I would love to drink it like that to save on calories. I saw a boat once that was called Sea Sea & H2O
      Awesome name!

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