It’s true. No matter how savvy we think we are there is that ever-present possibility that we could get scammed.
Some of my friends have been receiving emails from me. I say ‘me’ because my name is definitely on them….but if you look closely behind my name is an email address that is not mine. (circled) What does the sender intend to gain? If the recipient clicks on the image will their computer get hacked? If so, what does that mean? Is it a simple case of them getting your contact list? Or is it worse than that…can they actually see where you have been and what you are presently up to? Happens on TV all the time…just tune into Scandal to see who Huck is hacking!
Thankfully, my friends did reach out to me and I was able to bring to their attention that the emails were not from me and they should block the email address associated with the email from their computers.
I’ve been receiving phone calls on my cell telling me to get in touch with the CIA or FBI to turn myself in, I am being arrested for fraud. I was thinking of calling….3 square meals cooked for me every day! I was momentarily excited…but then the unknown bunkmate got me thinking…I better not turn myself in. The Women of Wentworth scare the sh** out of me. The first time I ever received one of these calls I immediately called back. It was all very sketchy, so I called my lawyer. He told me these calls happen every day. There were a few instances with my own kids and friend’s kids where the scammer told them they were from the CRA and they were behind on their taxes. Pay X$ within four hours in order to prevent your cards from being immediately suspended!
The most unsettling attempted scam was via an email. The email immediately grabbed my attention as the sender quoted a password that I have used. (I have since changed it)….I’ll let you read it…..
I know XXXXXXXX is one of your password on day of hack..
Lets get directly to the point.
Not one person has paid me to check about you.You do not know me and you’re probably thinking why you are getting this email?
in fact, i actually placed a malware on the adult vids (adult porn) website and you know what, you visitedthis site to experience fun (you know what i mean).
When you were viewing videos, your
immediately after that, my malware obtained every one of your contacts from your Messenger, FB, aswell as email account.after that i created a double-screen video. 1st part shows the video you were viewing (you have a nicetaste omg), and 2nd part displays the recording of your cam, and its you.
Best solution would be to pay me $1053.
We are going to refer to it as a donation. in this situation, i most certainly will without delay removeyour video.
My -BTC -address: 32qLxN6hAo4qrmHiwo1hk16RGtWTWkdXuS
[case SeNSiTiVe, copy & paste it]You could
Weird that he asked me to reply with ‘yeah’ but in the sentence immediately following he told me not to reply to the message. I of course have no intention of answering this email.
My mom received a phone call a while back. It was my son calling his grandma to say he was in trouble. He had been arrested for a crime that he didn’t do. They were holding him in a cell. Could she please send him money right away so that he could retain a lawyer? Guess what? It wasn’t my son…but it was his voice! How does that happen?
I was listening to the radio and a female DJ was telling a story similar to my mom’s. Her ex-husband called her and asked that she send money right away to his kidnappers. He was going to be bound and gagged and put into a trunk of a car where she could pick him up once the transaction was received. It was definitely her husband. It was his voice and he knew personal information. She made the money transaction right away (she must really like her ex!!) without involving the police as she was told. She anxiously went to the pickup spot and neither her ex-husband nor the car was anywhere to be found. She then phoned the police right away worried that the unthinkable had happened. The police went to her ex’s home and there he was safe and sound. He had no idea that any of this had happened. Her money was gone.
I recently read a story in Reader’s Digest about a minister that received an email on Christmas eve asking for $300 worth of iTunes gift cards for a friend that was in the hospital. This friend was battling cancer. He was instructed to scratch the back of the cards for the serial number, take a photo of it and send it to the email address. The minister said he would get it done later that evening. The sender messaged him back within minutes saying that would be too late. She really wanted them before she went into surgery that day. Of course, he said yes and got it all done as instructed. The sender emailed him after receiving the photos of the cards and asked for $500 more. This obviously sent up red flags and he realized he had been duped. He phoned the police right away, but it was too late. The sender is long gone at this point and is selling the cards.
These are intelligent people! How is it possible that we let these things happen to us knowing everything that we read and hear in the news!? Are we all just really trusting people?
Do you know scams cost individuals, organizations and governments trillions of dollars every year? Victims experience depression and ill health. Scamming affects people of all ages and backgrounds across the globe. If you have ever fallen for a scam you apparently are not alone.
STOP answering fun Facebook questions!!
Many of us on FB have fallen for these questions that hackers set up as fun get to know each other games ….Who was your childhood friend? What elementary school did you attend? What is your mom’s maiden name? What was the name of your first pet or first car? These are some of the same questions you are asked when opening up accounts that require security questions – like your bank!! By answering these seemingly fun and non-threatening questions you are actually giving the answers to your security questions without realizing it. Scammers can then start building a profile of you from several sources. Before you know it, someone has hacked your bank or opened a credit card in your name. I did have a credit card opened in my name. The funny thing was; the purchases made were gas, liquor, and shoes. LOL. At first, I was so confused thinking these purchases could have all been mine!
So…other than FB. Here are some ways that you can protect yourself from scammers.
Check out what CBC.COM suggests we do and don’t do to protect ourselves…
The Canadian anti-fraud centre suggests…
This US government site gives some helpful ideas as well as shares some scams that you might be unaware of. There is an entire list of new ‘CoVid’ scams!!!
This is a new scam that comes in the mail…
If you receive seeds in the mail do not open and do not dispose of them on your own. Please follow the Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s suggestions. These seeds are also being found in the USA. This scam is called a ‘brushing scam’ and this US site gives some insight as to what that is.
So my friends….take extra care do not open seed packages or anything else that you did not order…and if you should see images of me watching porn… let me know!! LOL

Mary Lynn
August 4, 2020 at 8:26 AMWe have heard them all but nice to have a reminder- the worst thing is while you are writing this they are already thinking of new scams. They know how to prey on the vulnerable and lonely -so sad. Thanks so much Marion valuable information.
ML xo
August 4, 2020 at 4:14 PMYou are welcome ML. Most of us do know all about these scams and are aware that there are new ones in the making as we speak…it is always good to have a reminder…and not just being safe with our computers, PW, etc…but with life in general. Always be aware. xo
Steve Duffield
August 4, 2020 at 8:36 AMi was scammed too when I was 31 years old. This beautiful lady smiled at me in a parking lot. We met for drinks and I invited her back to my house. What I didn’t realize was she already new where I lived. She knew the car I drove and my licence plate number. She then proceeded to move into my house with her two little kids while at the same time kicking out the renter that lived with me. I never stood a chance!
Be on the lookout. They tend to travel with cute little kids (or grand kids). Their usual hangouts are bars or private golf clubs. If you do see one, turn away quickly. Once they flash the smile its all over.
August 4, 2020 at 4:12 PMI was referring to scammers, not stalkers!!! Can you imagine the work that went into stalking you though? We are talking PRE computers..FB, IG, crazy hook up apps…It was nose to the grind get the phone book out! ….and man…didn’t it turn out great for you? xoxoxox
August 4, 2020 at 8:36 AMGood information. Thank you Marion
August 4, 2020 at 4:08 PMThanks for stopping in Brenda!
Have a great day and keep yourself protected.
Mary Ferguson - Allan
August 4, 2020 at 8:48 AMI just hang up on whoever calls now in the long distance calls I do not recognize, safest way….
August 4, 2020 at 4:07 PMfor sure! That’s the best defence for annoying phone calls….Stuart used to hand the phone over to Lilah before she could really talk. LOL….the caller didn’t last long nor did they call back! We just all need a Lilah! LOL
marion hunter
August 4, 2020 at 10:17 AMValuable reminders Marion. Thank you. Sorry this has happened to you. What a PIA!
soooo inconvenient to deal with.
August 4, 2020 at 4:06 PMThanks, Marion. It is crazy what people come up with isn’t it. Whatever happened to getting a job and EARNING some money?
August 4, 2020 at 7:04 PMGreat post… look at you getting all tech-savvy & aware 😉 The creepiest one is Andy’s voice calling Gma Mary
August 16, 2020 at 4:17 PMHey Lauren….after chatting with you I had another look for your comment. It was in my spam. Not sure how that happened. In any event I now know that I need to check on this folder regularly. AND yes!!! How creepy right?
Suzanne Colasimone
August 6, 2020 at 7:24 AMMare I had the very same email scam a year ago threatening to release my “porn debut” to everyone on my contact list, unless I paid in bitcoin. Anyhow, I was a little rattled for sure, but the bank assured me it was a scam. I guess these disgusting people keep us all on our toes. I’ve been getting calls on my cell as of lately, with a name and a 905 phone number, but when I answer it’s a recording to say I’m going to jail. I hang up immediately because I was told their goal is to keep you on the phone. When I call the number, some poor person answers and has no idea their number is being used in this manner. I guess we need to be vigil.