This is the before. It was too sparse. The mirror was too small for the wall space and there was no functionality to the furniture what so ever. This bench is on wheels and slides across the uneven floor when you sit on it. A bit hazardous! LOL I’ve had this bench for a number of years and have reupholstered it a number of times. I have retired it to my bedroom for the time being. I am not sure what I will use it for. I will keep it for a while. I know if I get rid of it, I will come up with a great use for it and regret giving it away. I was able to utilize the mirror in my living room.
This picture was my inspiration. My want list included a storage area for the girl’s boots and shoes, an acrylic table and a much larger mirror to fill the wall space better. I also really wanted a cowhide rug to add some texture to the entrance.
……and TA-DA. I cannot believe, with the exception of the cowhide rug, I found exactly what I was looking for! It took the entire summer waiting patiently to get this table. Homesense finally got some in and I scooped one up right away. I find with HomeSense, if you see something you like, buy now, ask questions later! This carpet is super cosy on my feet. I love the look of it and I think I’ll keep it and not worry about finding the right size cowhide. It adds the texture that I was after. The gold and acrylic mirror is a perfect fit for the wall space. My hardware in the powder room and kitchen are acrylic and gold too….this really unifies the finishings on the main floor.
Acrylic is ideal for small areas such as my entrance because it doesn’t make the space look or feel crowded. It also can make small spaces feel more open and inviting. Acrylic is lighter, stronger and less expensive than glass. It also bounces that light around, whereas darker pieces soak up all your sunlight. Acrylic ‘everything’ is so in style right now when it comes to home decor. An easy inexpensive, update to any room is an acrylic chair with a faux fur thrown over it.
One can never have too much storage. This was just what I was looking for. Extra storage for the girls ‘stuff’, and trust me, there is a lot of it! Look how close it is to the inspirational storyboard I did. It’s a tad bit lighter in colour and does not have the nail heads around the bottom of it. Thrilled to bits!
I love that I found pineapples and an orchid just like in my inspirational picture. It was meant to be.
I got two of these marble vases at a fundraiser we attended for our local hospital. They weigh a ton. We had our floors refinished in the living room and moved them both here while the work was being done. Only one made it’s way back to the living room. We left this one here with all good intentions of moving it back too…but it hasn’t happened yet and now I kind of like it where it is.

Debra MacRae
November 10, 2019 at 9:07 PMMarion
I have just being going over all your posts and enjoyed everyone. You are one very clever, inventive, creative, fun lady. Thanks for sending your blog on to me. ?
November 11, 2019 at 7:51 AMHey Deb!! I am so glad that you enjoyed reading them. You will get every new post from now on directly into your mailbox.
Thanks for sweet compliments. xo