18 In Fabulous over Fifty

Journaling…done W.R.I.T.E


Have you ever?

Not until Steve and I went through our ‘thing’ I talked about  HERE did I actually start to journal on a regular basis. It has become a space where I can process what the heck is going on in my wee head -good or bad! It has helped me accept myself as I am. I have developed a kind of self passion that I think I lacked before this journey of journaling. Everyday I get to spend time with myself and get to know myself better. Doesn’t that sound nice?

Time and time again I tried to journal. I’d buy cute writing books and leave them beside my bed so that I could jot a few things down at night before going to sleep. This became nothing more than a to do list as my busy little mind wandered. I tried to put the books beside my favourite chair where I enjoy my coffee…unfortunately this is also where I keep decor magazines and well…if I you know me..you know I can spend a lot of time buried in one!

My journal became my  friend and and confident. I use ‘notes’ on my IPad. It’s always available. I pick it  up and just start typing. I never worry about grammar or spelling. I try to get my thoughts out as fast as I can. I share secrets, my fears and my anxieties. I also share my happiness and all that I am grateful for.  My journal never talks back, never judges.

I don’t think there is a right way or a wrong way to journal but one thing I did notice upon rereading my entries from December and January when Steve was given the diagnosis of LMD, was how much of the negative I focused on.

When I journal now I enter  positives to each and every day…to be honest most of the entries are positive. My life is full, my family is fine and for now I get to live in this adorable little beach house. We are actually trying to extend our stay here.  More on that in a future post. 😉

I was asked what I write about and how to start. My answer…just WRITE!


When? Try to be consistent with the time you write. Make it a habit each night or early each day. If you enjoy a quiet tea in the afternoon that might be the best time for you. You don’t have to write every day. Maybe two or three times a week works for you.
Reflect. Think back to your day and spill the shizz you want to get rid of but don’t get too hung up on the negatives….Celebrate the joys and end with the joys.
Inspire. Add inspirational quotes or a favourite verse from a song. Record the things that motivate you towards your goals. Get creative. A journal doesn’t have to be filled with written words. If you are writing in a book you can add sketches, sticky notes, use highlighters and stickers.
Treat yourself to some love. Don’t be negative and don’t judge yourself. You are you and you are amazing.
Earnest . Be truthful with yourself. Nobody but you will see your entries. Be as free and open and honest as you can. You may be surprised to learn something new about yourself.

Developing a journal practice can be as simple as purchasing a note book at your local dollar store. Or you can start a ‘Notes’ page on your IPad or a word doc on your laptop. Mine is one very long note and getting to the bottom is an ordeal! It just goes on and on and on!! I should probably purchase a notebook and start writing in it and get creative. I don’t think I am quite ready yet. HAHA, I don’t want to be judging my cursive or my spelling! LOL.



✍️ Be sure this is something you have time and energy for. If you have a lot on your plate, right now might not be the best time for you to start. You don’t want to look at this as ‘one more thing you need to get done.’

✍️ Make this a positive experience. Put on a favourite song, light a candle or just enjoy some quiet time.

✍️ If you have tried to journal in the past and it has been an epic fail over and over again (like it was for me) maybe try a new method. Instead of physically writing with pen and paper try your computer and just start hitting those keys. If you don’t like what you see….delete, delete, delete. Don’t worry if it all feels awkward in the beginning. You will get used to it.

✍️ Prompts can help in the beginning. Write down 3-5 questions and answer them every night. What did I like about today? What did I dislike about today? What was I grateful for today? How did I make someone’s life better today?

✍️ Journaling does not have to be like a diary…no need to recap every event that took place in your day.

✍️ Have fun and let joy be your guide.

Starting something new can be a bit tricky. I know. I have been there. Our world is so loud and chaotic. Journaling can clear the noise and creates perspective. It helps you to recognize your habits, your dreams and patterns in life. These things have always been available to you, but can get hidden in the clutter of life.

W.R.I.T.E. What you feel.

Take this time for yourself,

💕 with all that life throws at you, you deserve it. 💕

PS…after writing my blog I came across the amazing analogy on life.

You are holding a cup of coffee when someone comes along and bumps into you making you spill your coffee everywhere.

Why did you spill the coffee?

”Because someone bumped into me.”

Wrong answer.

You spilled your coffee because there was coffee in your cup.

Had there been tea in the cup you would have spilled tea.

Whatever is inside your cup is what will spill out.

Therefore, when life comes along and shakes you (which WILL happen), whatever is inside you will come out. It’s easy to fake it until you get rattled.

So we have to ask ourselves…”what’s in my cup?”

When life gets tough what spills out?

Joy, gratitude, peace and humility?

Anger, bitterness, sadness, resentment, jealousy?

Life provides the cup. You choose how to fill it.

Let’s work on filling our cups with gratitude, forgiveness, joy, words of affirmation, resilience, positivity, kindness, gentleness and love for other.😘


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  • Reply
    Jacqueline Wells
    June 3, 2023 at 9:24 AM

    Great news! I am an journalleur! ( spelling .. well it’s my spelling .. anyways .. it is absolutely the thing to do .. to get to know yourself as we change and evolve over the years …. I loved the “cup idea” .. my cup of late is full of sorrow .. it’s time to change it up and add more uplifting thoughts to sustain me and bring me forward for the years that are going to happen before me .. Thanks Marion! … keep up up the good work … and of course stay strong and positive … hugs JW

    • Reply
      June 3, 2023 at 9:42 PM

      JW…I am so happy to hear that you are a jounalleur…..i LOVE you spelling!! LOL…that’s the great thing about it too…our journals never judge. Never a bad word or thought. Just a lovely friend to be with us and listen. You have lots of years ahead of you JW they will most definitely be filled with love and friendship!. You have been through the wringer and that’s a journey unto itself. It all takes time. You have a great attitude Jacquie. Fill that cup with happiness girl and spill it everywhere!!!

  • Reply
    Mary Lynn
    June 3, 2023 at 10:02 AM

    Interesting and certainly good for thought 😘

    • Reply
      June 3, 2023 at 9:44 PM

      Thanks ML. Sending hugs your way just because you’re special. 😘

  • Reply
    June 3, 2023 at 11:17 AM

    Love the analogy on life.
    I’ve ‘journaled’ at different times in my life..happy times, proud times, lesson times, sad times , and angry times. All were beneficial. There’s something about putting words to paper that is a letting go feeling for me. I once wrote pages of angry, frustrated, feeling hurt words and after reading it a few times and feeling it again, I burned it…it was absolutely freeing .
    Go journal any way it works for you girls. It’s a gift. Thx Mar’

    • Reply
      June 3, 2023 at 9:50 PM

      When I was younger and I was upset with someone I’d write long, long, loooooonnnnggg letters to them. They were usually filled with anger and hurt. I would keep them under my pillow and I’d reread them until they didnt matter anymore. I would also burn them. I didn’t realize it but in a sense it was the start of my journaling journey. Who knew? 🤷‍♀️
      Have a great Sunday. Xo

  • Reply
    Suzanne Colasimone
    June 3, 2023 at 1:38 PM

    Great advice Mare!!💕💖

    • Reply
      June 3, 2023 at 9:50 PM

      Thank you Sue. Happy Sunday to you 😊

  • Reply
    June 3, 2023 at 8:12 PM

    Love WRITE. Very clever. Another great blog.

    • Reply
      June 3, 2023 at 9:52 PM

      Ha, thanks Erica. I had to dig deep for the I in WRITE (inspiration). LOL. It took me most of a day.
      Thanks for stopping in. Have a wonderful day.

  • Reply
    June 3, 2023 at 8:14 PM

    Hello SS. This is great! What an analogy. This truly hits home with me. I really enjoyed this blog post.

    • Reply
      June 3, 2023 at 9:54 PM

      Thanks Sheryl. I cannot take credit for the analogy but doesn’t it just make sense?
      I hope the blog hit home with you in a positive way. Journal on Sheryl!! Thanks for stopping in to say hello.

  • Reply
    June 3, 2023 at 8:15 PM

    I just read your updated ‘meet Marion’ page. I love the direction you are taking your blog.
    Having said that I am intrigued to know more about your beach house!

    • Reply
      June 3, 2023 at 9:56 PM

      Hi Lynn. I am so glad you noticed the updated page about me. I just wanted to make a little change and ended up with a whole new direction. It all fits with my life right now. And LOL…you are not alone wanting to know more about the beach house. I will do a short blog on what’s happening here and add some photos too. If you like cozy, you will love this.
      Stay tuned.

  • Reply
    Ann Burbidge
    June 4, 2023 at 8:53 AM

    I love your analogy of whatever is in your cup spills out! Glad your cup is overflowing this Summer!

    • Reply
      June 4, 2023 at 12:07 PM

      I want my cup to over flow with as much positivity that yours does every time I see you Ann. Anyone that can sing on cue for my husband the way you did is carrying an extra large cup of happiness joy!! He will never forget that. LOLOL Miss you.

  • Reply
    June 4, 2023 at 8:55 AM

    Love this post Marion. Over the years I have done ‘morning pages’ (Julia Cameron’s concept), gratitude journals, oracle cards etc. and never had 1 practice that really ‘stuck’. The practical tips and tools you provided are excellent! And as your neighbour, I could not be happier to know that you are thinking of extending your stay on the beach. xo

    • Reply
      June 4, 2023 at 12:11 PM

      My newest reader!!! Thanks for popping in here to say hey!!! You could have just come next door with wine! I’d have let you in. Lol….it is amazing that you mention Julia Cameron. I was just reading about her in a NY Times article. I am definitely going to order her book. I am so intrigued.
      And yes…we made the beach house extension official!! $$ 😂 We are neighbours a little while longer. We have to time it perfectly that we leave at the same time. 😘 🍷 🐕 💕

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