Does anyone else feel a bit like Pooh Bear? As I sit here quarantined, eating my second butter tart today while binge-watching the Chef on Netflix…I wonder if I am normal! We’ve all heard of the Freshman 15, then the Florida 15 … is this the F***ing Covid 15? Make it stop! I’m bloated and my pants are tight.
For the first time in a very long time, I put on a pair of jeans tonight. I put them on because I thought I was going to see my neighbours at 7:00. Every Friday night in April apparently we are meant to go to the end of our driveways, hoot n’ holler and bang on pots to show our respect for our front line workers. Well, let me tell ya…the pants are snug…OH…and it isn’t even Friday WTH! ( I wrote this post on Thursday) What a waste of a blow-dry and jeans. I could be sitting here in my lulus and ball cap feeling quite good about myself.
I’m outta control. I had to call in the professionals. I want you to meet two lovely ladies; Tania and Carley. These girls are going to help us regain some control while binging on Netflix.
This is Carly…her personality is as sweet as her photo!!
Carly did her schooling at Sheridan College where she graduated with honours in the Athletic Therapy 4 year degree program. She is now a Certified Athletic Therapist and Fascial Stretch Therapist. Carly wanted to learn more about how food can be used as medicine to help heal the body. She took on another continuing education course in Functional Nutrition, which she will be finishing up within the next couple of months to become a Certified Functional Nutrition Coach. Carly is excited to be learning so much and she can’t wait to get started on this new journey with food!
I asked Carly if she would share some ‘healthy’ snacks with me. Maybe something that doesn’t involve butter tarts. Check these out!
FUNFETTI CAKE BATTER DIP – you gotta try it to believe it! Yum!
CINNAMON BUN CANDIED ALMONDS – sweet, bite-sized pieces of crunchy heaven. (Lauren, you’re welcome)
CRISPY CHILI LIME ROASTED CHICKPEAS – the good thing about being quarantined is I don’t have to share.
BUTTERY CHEESY POPCORN – you can’t go wrong with a traditional movie snack!
For all the details on these recipes and more –NINE total…like SWEET POTATO NACHOS or CREAMY MAC N CHEESE!! These recipes are – lock the door and don’t let anybody in good!!!! Not even kidding….click HERE right now…go ahead…click….so delic!
If you want to follow Carly on social media you can find her at……
Carly Romkema CAT(C), BAHSc.
Certified Athletic Therapist
Certified Fascial Stretch Therapist
FRC Mobility Specialist
IG: @donutkalemyvibe_
FB: @donutkalemyvibe
OK….so we had the expert on the amaze-balls, healthy, snacks…now let’s get physical. (isn’t that a song?)
Meet Tania Clancy! She just looks strong, doesn’t she?
Tania has a company called Straight to Fit – Total Personal Fitness.
For 20 years Tania has been helping others take the guesswork out of their workouts and live their healthiest lives.
Tania is a former 1977 Canadian Middleweight Bodybuilding Champion. She was also the 2015 AND 2016 Ladies Club Champion at Burlington Golf and Country Club. Tania recently qualified for the 2020 World Championships in Amateur Long Drive!! Serious strength!!
Tania offers online and in-person private training, group training and customized program designs.
I asked Tania if she could give us some exercises to do WHILE binging Netflix. She mentioned there is a ‘thing’… a thing called Gluteal Amnesia…I think Steve has this…his ass forgets…no…his head forgets….wait…aren’t they the same thing???? Woops…that was my outside voice, wasn’t it? Gluteal amnesia or ‘dead butt syndrome’ (which just makes me laugh saying it) happens when your glutes forget how to activate properly. Sitting all day is the main culprit over time. Under-functioning glutes over time will force other muscles to ‘pick up the slack’. This could lead to pain in other areas such as low-back, hips and hamstrings.
So go grab a mat, towel and some water and let’s see what she has in store for us.
- really focus on the contraction of the glute of the leg on the floor.
- lower and raise the torso and hips 10 times per side
- control the lift to protect your low back
- Lower and lift your knee, foot toward the ceiling 20 times
- Keep your abdominals engaged and your back flat, hips neutral throughout
- start with your body in a straight line, and maintain that position throughout
- maintain activated abdominals
- perform 20 controlled lifts per side
Dash the dog got in on this one! Very common when we workout in our living room!
Do 20 of these to remind your glutes of their job!
- put both feet up on a chair, sofa, or ottoman
- keep your abdominals engaged and your back straight throughout
- lift your torso and hips off the ground and lower them back down to graze the floor…repeat
And “good news” (haha) according to Tania “these exercises can be done daily”.
If you want to reach out to Tania to chat about some personal training for yourself you can reach her at….
Tania Clancy – Personal Trainer
Thank you both Carly and Tania for your input into this blog post. I for one, cannot wait to make these yummy recipes and no jokes…I am going to do Tania’s exercises! I think I have a forgetful bum!! Not kidding!!
It’s day 3 of quarantine and I finished Netflix. LOL
We have spent the past three weeks in complete isolation in Florida and have spent our evenings watching TV. We just finished the last episode of This Is Us. Does anyone else love that as much as me? I finished Greys Anatomy too and of course Shameless. William Macy…do you love to hate him or hate to love him?
What are you guys watching? Here is a list of some movies that we have just watched.
Knives Out
Ford vs Ferrari
Dark Waters
Just Mercy
Leave a comment below and let us know what you’ve been watching…what healthy snacks you’ve been nibbling and what you are doing to stay active. Maybe you’ll inspire someone else.
In good health and happiness…..everyone take extra care and stay safe.

Val Cater
April 11, 2020 at 9:56 AMThank you Marion for, yet again, providing such inspirational advice! And of course, always with a dose of humour!? This vegan loves the recipes too as most are what I have on a regular basis! Stay safe, stay healthy everyone!
April 11, 2020 at 11:01 AMHappy Easter Val. Thanks for the kind words. I am happy that you are able to use some of these recipes. I was thinking about you when I was reading them over. The chickpeas sound divine! I hope you, Paul and King James have a wonderful Easter weekend in spite of everything!! As for Stevie boy and I…We are safe, we are healthy and we are quarantined! LOL…xo
April 11, 2020 at 11:47 AMGreat post Marion! Enjoyed reading about all!! Loved the covid 15 joke. Isn’t that the truth! Lol
April 11, 2020 at 12:34 PMhaha….Thanks, Brenda!!! You know what they say….every joke has a little truth to it!!!
I just started in on the Girl Guide cookies….Lord help me!!!!!
Thanks for stopping in Brenda. I always love to hear from everyone.
April 11, 2020 at 11:51 AMThanks for the great Blog and can’t wait to try the almond recipe.
Maddie and I watched “ It’s a Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood” last night with Tom Hanks as Mr. Rogers. Worth watching as we all remember this show .
April 11, 2020 at 12:33 PMGlad you found a recipe you are going to try. I forgot about It’s a Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood!!! I did watch it. Tom Hanks character portrayal of Mr Rogers was incredible. The movie wasn’t super exciting or gripping..but once you started watching it you couldn’t stop. That is definitely a movie to watch. Happy Easter Beryl. xo
April 11, 2020 at 11:56 AMYou know I’ll be making those sweet almonds!!
April 11, 2020 at 12:30 PMHa ha….glad you caught that little mention of your name Laur!!! I wanted to be sure you were paying attention…kidding…I just remember how many times we had to stop at Cinnabon every time we were “Shopping every Sunday at the mall”
Love you gurl xo
April 11, 2020 at 2:32 PMDoes wine count as a good snack
April 11, 2020 at 3:24 PMWell duh….it’s squished grapes!
Mary Lynn
April 11, 2020 at 3:01 PMYour blog was worth the wait-sitting here with my baileys and little snack. All the snacks are amazing, going to try them for sure. I am actually going to do some of those exercises, what a great idea at home. Yes i love This is Us and Grey’s but unfortunately no more till the fall ? I have been watching Scandal, actually really enjoying, there are 8 seasons with 22 episodes per season- that should get me through this isolation, if not YIKES
April 11, 2020 at 3:24 PMThere you are!!! Glad you stopped by with a Baileys!!! Some might not really think that fits this post…I on the other hand do!!! It is good health for the mind!!! LOL…Yes…love the exercises. They look like something I really can do when watching TV. I have not seen Scandal. I’m assuming it’s on Netflix? If not text me and let me know where I can watch it. Sounds binge-worthy for sure coupled with the chickpea recipe!!
Happy Easter ML….and better late than never! :):)
Jackie Wells
April 11, 2020 at 4:04 PMHI Marion! Great views and news! Great humour and common sense! Thanks for sharing. Jackie. stay safe!
April 11, 2020 at 4:25 PMHello Jackie. Great to hear from you. Thanks for popping in to say hello. Glad you enjoyed it. I hope you are doing well. Have a wonderful Easter weekend.
Lisa Mcdonald
April 11, 2020 at 9:10 PMGreat little tips!
I think being in Florida right now … quarantine or not sounds Devine! I would love some sun and heat!
Keep safe!
April 12, 2020 at 5:10 PMWe are home, Lisa!! It was all nice while it lasted. I hope you and the boys are having a lovely Easter.
Thanks for dropping me a line. It’s always so nice to hear from you. xo