The Death of Dressing Like You Mean It
There was a time when people dressed like they cared—about themselves, about the occasion, about the world at large. Those days, it seems, are long gone, buried under a mountain of sweatpants, graphic T-shirts, and flip-flops worn in November. Somewhere along the way, we traded dignity for convenience, and the results are nothing short of tragic.
Walk through any airport, grocery store, or coffee shop, and you’ll see it: a parade of grown adults who appear to have dressed straight out of their laundry hampers. Pajama pants in public? Why not. Crocs with socks? Of course. And let’s not even get started on the unholy rise of athleisure, which—despite its name—neither requires athleticism nor any leisureliness in choosing a proper outfit. This isn’t the first time I have addressed this on Savvy Snowbirds, I vented once before and you can read it HERE
There’s a laziness to it all, but also something deeper—an alarming loss of respect. Respect for the occasion, whether it’s a dinner out, a day at work, or even a funeral. Respect for the people you encounter, who now have to endure the sight of your unironed T-shirt and scuffed-up sneakers. And, most of all, respect for yourself. Once upon a time, clothes were a way to say, “I’m here, I’m ready, and I take pride in how I present myself.” Now, the message is more like, “I gave up halfway through putting myself together, and you’ll have to deal with it.”
The pandemic certainly didn’t help. Forced to spend months indoors, many of us adopted a work-from-couch mentality that extended to our wardrobes. But here we are, years later, and people are still acting as though we’re one Zoom call away from pajama-clad normalcy. The world has reopened, but the button-down shirts and tailored trousers haven’t come back with it.
It’s not about money, either. You don’t need to dress in designer labels to look put-together. There’s a certain elegance in simply wearing clothes that fit, that are clean and well-maintained. But these days, even that seems to be too much to ask. Instead, we’re inundated with oversized hoodies, ripped jeans that look like they lost a fight with a chainsaw, and an endless supply of sneakers that seem to get dirtier by design. On more than one occasion, upon picking my granddaughters up to got shopping – I had to tell them to get right back to their closets and pick out something more ‘nana approved’. It’s become a thing now to send me pics with ? Is this nana approved? 😂
Dressing well is not about vanity; it’s about dignity. It’s about showing the world that you care enough to try. I can’t even put into words how women show up for Hollywood’s award shows. If they are looking for shock factor…they win 🤦♀️
I’m not calling for a return to the era of hats and gloves at every outing, but is it really too much to ask for a little effort? To iron a shirt, to wear pants that aren’t elasticized, to acknowledge that some occasions—hell, most occasions—deserve more than what you’d wear to clean out the garage?
So the next time you reach for those sweatpants or think, “No one will care if I wear this ratty T-shirt,” pause. Think again. And then, for the love of all things decent, put on something that says, “I showed up.” Because showing up is half the battle, and dressing like you mean it might make you feel better. I know it will make me feel better lookin’ at ya!!! 😂
This post was written for and featured in BAYWATCH NEWS Magazine (Florida) 😊
You can see it on PAGE SIX HERE

Mary Lynn Feenan
March 8, 2025 at 5:39 AMI couldn’t agree more- last time I was at the bank I thought I was at a homeless shelter lol
March 8, 2025 at 11:47 AMHaha…seriously right? I remember when the bank tellers were all buttoned down too…now it seems every day is casual Friday.
Have a great day ML…thanks for stopping in.
March 8, 2025 at 7:47 AMNo argument here. By the way, ditto for the boys!
March 8, 2025 at 11:44 AMTotally agree Dale.
Have a great day. 😊
March 8, 2025 at 8:17 AMTruer words have never been spoken Marion. I remember as a child, we had school clothes, after school clothes and our Sunday best clothes. My mother cared what we wore to school. Not only did she care, she enforced what was appropriate. She took the time to care. I am sorry, but what the hell are mother’s doing in the mornings now. Are they too busy to look at their kids and say ‘get back to your room and put some daytime clothes on?” I find it as disgusting as you obviously do.
March 8, 2025 at 11:44 AMI remember that too Sue. We came home from school and changed into our play clothes and had ‘good’ clothes for visiting my aunts. Lol
I can’t imagine the arguments that take place getting ready for school in the mornings between mom’s and their kids.
My granddaughters tell me I am judgmental all the time. 😂 It is just the way of the world..the changing generations. Every generation goes through it. I think the biggest change must have been from the 1950s to the 60’s ✌️ don’t you think?
Have a great day Sue. Thanks for stopping by to say hello.
March 8, 2025 at 8:22 AMYou hit the nail on the head with this one! I was at the mall the other day with my husband and even he noticed that kids look like slobs or dare I say it..sluts. There seems to be no inbetween. Sorry. I am offended by what i see.
March 8, 2025 at 11:37 AMHahaha…I just read your comment to my husband and we both laughed. Say it like it is girl!!!
I take my granddaughters back to school shopping every fall…I did notice that the choice was over-sized everything or bustiers!! EESH!!
March 8, 2025 at 8:27 AMI have never understood the ripped jeans fashion. It’s not just kids. I have friends that are plus 60 embracing it. Who are they trying to be? Obviously they think it keeps them young, fashionable and ‘hip’ I think they look like complete idiots.
Ha ha. Bring back some class ladies.
March 8, 2025 at 11:32 AMI am not a ‘ripped Jean’ fan on any age…six or sixty, male of female.
Plus they seem to cost a fortune! LOL
I don’t get it.
Bring back some class indeed. 😉
March 8, 2025 at 8:44 AMThe awards ceremonies are nothing more than a joke. Do you remember watching, anticipating the beautiful gowns you’d see? Even Denzel Washington showed up to an awards ceremony in his jeans. The comments surrounding that were things like ‘he’s earned it’ or ‘he’s so good looking he can get away with’. NO Denzel. You showed nothing but disrespect. Of course my opinion means nothing haha but still. Is it too much to ask that you put on a suit and tie?
March 8, 2025 at 11:28 AMI did see those photos of Denzel…it was the premiere of Gladiator 2. The guy makes more than 20 million and year and he couldn’t be bothered to dress as per the dress code. 🤷♀️ I feel that if there is an RSVP and you agree to go – shouldn’t you dress for it? 🤔
Anyways…Sarah, I can only control myself at this point…and sometimes my husband lol. 😂
Have a terrific weekend.
March 8, 2025 at 8:46 AMI agree with your blog Marion. It makes you wonder what is next? It seems to get worse and worse and I cannot imagine what the future holds. What can possibly be worse than how people show up for life now? I don’t get it. I am like you though. We have ‘Grammy approved’ in our family. Funny, but also very sad.
March 8, 2025 at 11:21 AMHaha…ya. I cannot imagine what could possible be next. I guess we need to just wait and see what the runways bring us this spring. 😬
Thanks for stopping in Fran. Have a great day.
Anne McRorie
March 8, 2025 at 1:37 PMI totally agree with you Marion. I would never even run to the store in track pants- or my pyjamas????? I do have to say I like ripped jeans and can always make them look good.
I have seen people attend funerals lately looking like they just got out of bed and went strait there.i guess they don’t respect themselves or the person they are there to honour. I don’t think anyone ( young people)these days even owns an iron and I couldn’t survive without it!
March 9, 2025 at 2:28 PMHey Anne. I love your comment about the iron. I thought I was the only person left on the planet not only with an iron but someone that actually likes to iron. LOL. 😂 I love to put on a chick flick and set up my ironing board and get to it. I have been known to empty my tea towel drawer and iron the lot of them! LOL.
I am sure if anyone can make a pair of ripped jeans look good you can. 😉
Thanks so much for your comments. Fun to read everyone’s opinion on this subject.
March 9, 2025 at 2:22 PMThis is a great read Marion, I am loving the comments too. Everyone seems to have the same opinion. I disagree with the athletic leisure wear though. I own some great ‘track suits’ as well used to call them back in the day ….I am definitely dating myself. I find them extremely comfortable and warm. There are some great styles out there and I am not talking about sweatshirts with Nike swooshes on them or pants with Juicy across the a$$ 😝 but actual two piece suits. Have a look at this site. I am sure you will agree that you can wear athletic wear and still look stylish. In my opinion 😊
March 9, 2025 at 2:33 PMOK June…you have made a believer out of me with the athletic wear – track suits lol….
I checked out that web site and there are some cute outfits. The ‘Anset tie jacket’ does not scream “I am too lazy to get dressed so I am throwing this on’ look to it at all. It is very class and would definitely cover all my wobbly bits too!!!
I might have to order something to see what the quality is like. Looks very nice in the pics. Thanks for sharing it.