12 In Fabulous over Fifty/ Health Lifestyle Choices

7 Thoughtful Fall Journaling Prompts to Embrace Autumn’s Change

7 Thoughtful Fall Journaling Prompts

…to Embrace Autumn’s Change

As the days grow shorter and the vibrant blooms of summer begin to fade, we often recognize the changing seasons without fully realizing that we, too, are undergoing a transition, our own personal growth. The gorgeous colours of autumn leaves, the sound of geese flying south, and  the trees filled with ripe apples, signal a time for reflection and slowing down. Autumn encourages us to gather what we’ve nurtured during the warmer months and prepare for the quieter days ahead. It’s a season that invites us to savour the richness of the moment—whether it’s the taste of freshly pressed cider or the earthy scent of fallen leaves. Keep reading for 7 thought provoking journal prompts to embrace this change in season.

Just as animals instinctively prepare for winter, we are drawn to celebrate the abundance around us, knowing that nature’s gifts will return with the spring.  🌸 As the landscape shifts and the year draws to a close, your priorities may shift as well. But through it all, remember to appreciate the beauty in every ending, as it is always the beginning of something new.

Now is the perfect time to open your journal and start writing.

I am often asked “what do you write about?” I have listed 7 Thoughtful Fall Journaling Prompts to Embrace Autumn’s Change  to get your creative journaling juices flowing.

Check out my post on Journaling done W.R.I.T.E you can find it HERE

Remember…nobody is going to see your entries but you! So don’t worry about grammar or spelling or if you are including some sketches…your journal is for your eyes only.

7 Journaling Prompts for Personal growth.

1-Describe a memorable experience you had during a past fall season. What made this moment stand out for you?

2-If you could have a perfect fall day how would it unfold? Include what you would wear, where you would eat and who you would spend the day with.

3-What are some of your go-to activities during the fall? If you are looking for some fun things to do this fall check out a previous blog post HERE. Be sure to check individual web sites for updated dates/times.

4-Do you have any fall traditions? If not, what traditions would you like to start? Write a detailed list on what you would need to make this happen and make it happen.

5-How does the cooler, crisper weather of fall impact your mood and productivity?

6-What are some of your favourite fall treats or seasonal foods? Is anyone else thinking about Hallowe’en candies? 💁‍♀️

7-As summer transitions into autumn, take a moment to reflect on your personal growth. How have you evolved?

No blog is complete without you-know-who 💕 🐕

Tanky loves fall for all the right reasons! The cooler weather gives him the perfect excuse to ditch the dog days of summer and trade in his panting for playful leaps into crunchy piles of leaves. Plus, he loves all the new scents in the air—from the earthy whiff of fallen leaves (that he drags into the house) to the tempting smell of pumpkin treats—Having said that…I am worried about our resident skunk. 🦨 While Tank might be living in sniffing paradise….I am living in sniffing hell!! But cuddle time on chilly evenings is the best; after all, who needs a blanket when you’ve got a warm, furry friend curled up next to you? For Tank, fall is basically tail-wagging heaven…and for me, other than the skunk…I happen to agree with him.

Good luck with your journaling. ✍️ 📖 💕 🍁

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  • Reply
    September 30, 2024 at 11:45 AM

    I don’t journal…I wish I did. Help make me one. lol. Your story about Tank…all of your stories about Tank bring a smile to my face.

    • Reply
      September 30, 2024 at 11:52 AM

      Good morning Elizabeth. Thanks for stopping by to say hello. I am so happy that Tank brings a smile to your face. He makes my husband and I laugh daily.
      As for journaling. Stay tuned. I am literally working on an on-line course for beginner journaling. You will read about it on my blog when it is ready 😊
      Have a super great day Elizabeth

  • Reply
    Steve Duffield
    September 30, 2024 at 12:10 PM

    Great Blog Mar

    I love the picture of Tank at the end. Wish he was that calm all the time.

    • Reply
      September 30, 2024 at 12:11 PM

      He keeps us on our toes and smiling ☺️
      Thanks for always reading my posts dear husband ❤️

  • Reply
    September 30, 2024 at 12:20 PM

    Another insightful post. I try to journal on a regular basis but I never seem to be able to make it an ongoing habit. Do you have any suggestions for that? I always feel better when I do journal, but I get so side tracked.
    Tank is adorable all curled up under his blanket. Does he sleep in a playpen? I can see the wooden slats. He has a wonderful life doesn’t he?
    Thanks Savvy.

    • Reply
      September 30, 2024 at 12:26 PM

      Hello Laura, Tank sure does live a wonderful life! He actually sleeps in a crib right beside me each night. He has epilepsy and the crib gives him a safe space in the event of a seizure.
      As for journaling on a regular basis…I am going to be offering a course on it. Keep checking in for the details. I will have some helpful ideas on building a regular practice. In the meantime, keep doing it when you think of it. It is better than never doing it.
      You and another reader have inspired me to get moving on the E-course I am working on.
      Thanks for saying hello Laura and have a great day.

  • Reply
    Betty King
    September 30, 2024 at 6:02 PM

    Wow! You continue to amaze me. Great blog! Tomorrow I take possession of my condo so that’s a new beginning and a good time to start a journal.
    xx BBMA

    • Reply
      September 30, 2024 at 8:22 PM

      Yipeee…I am so happy for you Ma!!!! Happy take possession day 😊
      I think it is a perfect time to start journaling.
      Xo 💕

  • Reply
    October 1, 2024 at 2:28 AM

    Great post Marion. Your Tank is living his best life. I have read some of the comments and I would be interested in a journaling course myself. I run out of things to write about and feel sometimes that I am just writing fluff, nothing too meaningful.
    Thanks so much.

    • Reply
      October 1, 2024 at 2:37 AM

      Hi Valerie. Yup…Tank sure does live his best life. Sometimes, a lot of times my journal sounds like a diary. Not every entry has to have some deep and profound meaning behind it. Some days I literally write about what I did the day before.
      Just keep on writing 😊 and stay tuned for information on my course…WHEN I get it done!! 😂

  • Reply
    Susan Lilley
    October 2, 2024 at 5:33 PM

    I had a diary when I was young and loved to write about my days…and all that tween angst lol. Definitely a winter project when I’ll have more time to think!

    • Reply
      October 3, 2024 at 5:26 PM

      Don’t you wish you still had them? I had so many diaries…with the little secret key that I had to stash away from 6 brothers!!! lol. I sure wish I could go back in time and read who was p***ing me off! LOL
      Thanks for stopping in Sue. Fun dinner the other night too 😊

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