Fall Closet Cleanout & Organization
Time to clean out your closet. Fall is a great time to reorganize your closet to make room for new fall fashions. Out with the old and in with the new…or just update the old to make it new again.
Six years when we moved into this home my walk-in closet was empty. I got to start fresh! What a fabulous feeling. I loved figuring out where I’d put my sweaters, jackets, dresses, etc. All the hard surfaces were washed and painted…so fresh and new.
It was a perfect closet for me (Thank you Nikki)…or so I thought. It wasn’t long until I knew I needed more places to hang all my shizz. I had WAY more than I thought. I did a post quite some time ago about my closet makeover with the promises of a big reveal. Do you know what? I forgot to do the reveal!! LOL…I only realised this right now as I went back to look at what I wrote about it…duh. If you didn’t see the before pictures you can check it out HERE
Fall Fashion
I don’t know about you guys…but seriously isn’t fall fashion the absolute best??? The layering of sweaters and scarves, boots and plaids, contrasting colours and textures. This fall everything seems to be in…plaid shirts, maxi dresses, animal print, fanny packs, sneakers…OMGOSH…a sensible shoe that looks amazing when worn with skirts, pants and dresses… even white after labour day is in this season…yes!! It’s true!
So here we are almost 6 years later and I needed help cleaning out my closet. I have very traditional taste when it comes to clothing. I try to be funky…but for whatever reasons, I am always drawn to the same fitted clothes that never seem to go out of style. And there lays my problem. I look after my clothing and because it doesn’t really go out of style I tend to keep it. I knew I needed help with this so I called a pro to come in!! (Right after I admittedly vacuumed and dusted the entire closet. I was getting to the point I was naming my dust bunnies anyway…so it was all good.)
Fall Closet Cleanout
Kim Luis from Closet Reskue saved my sanity. She had her work cut out for her. I wanted someone to help me purge, show me what was missing from my fall closet and please funk me up a bit, get me out of this traditional rut!!! Kim came in and emptied the closet to start the cleanout. Thankfully Kim didn’t go all Marie Kondo on me and make me thank my clothing…but she did make me take a look at each and every individual article of clothing that I owned.
And so the fun began.
Closet Cleanout
Kim wasted no time in getting started. We had a 3-hour window and she made the most of it. Everything was piled into the bedroom. From here Kim picked up every piece and asked me my thoughts on it. Most importantly “when was the last time you wore this?” If my answer wasn’t last week she quickly followed up with “when do you think you’ll wear this again?” If the answer wasn’t “sometime soon” it went into THE pile. THE pile was on the floor. It doesn’t HAVE to mean – get rid of it – but you certainly want to revisit that piece and give it some thought. THE pile to me was simple…if it hit the floor, I got rid of it.
Kim was so cognizant of my feelings…she never told me I had to get rid of anything…although a few pieces that I tossed warranted a fist pump by her! LOL This was where Kim’s expertise really shone through. She gave her professional opinion on what she thought my shirt (as an example) could be worn with to update it. She brought some magazines for visuals on the most up to date fashion styles to help with decisions.
Be prepared to try your stuff on! Kim had me in and out of clothes…quick, quick, quick. She suggested new ways to wear pieces that I already had…particularly skinny belts with jackets. This simple addition (which I had no clue was in style) completely changed the look of so many jackets, shirts and dresses.
THE pile was starting to pile up…there is something very therapeutic about a closet cleanout.
Did I actually wear these scarves?
We didn’t just clean out the clothes…Goodbye high heels. I was thrilled to find out that runners, loafers and kitten heels are trending!! My feet, knees and back thank you Kim!!!
If you have chokers left over from last season save them. Fashion typically repeats itself. Long necklaces are in. They look great with a blouse, a dress, a sweater or tee.
Speaking of tees…have you seen these dividers before? OMGOSH!! They are the best. You can buy them online through Amazon. $15
You can see in this photo above one of the areas that I use them. They keep my Chico’s tank tops organized. When these tops go on sale I stock up on them. I have every colour they offer. They are great for under sweaters, cardigans and button-up shirts. In the summer you can wear them on their own and they look great. Not clingy at all so they hide all your wobbly bits.
Anything animal print is a total YES this year!!! Leopard and snake too! Shoes, blouse, tee shirts, skirts and jackets. If you got it…wear it. I have had this jacket for over 10 years and wore it once. I thought for sure when Kim saw it she was going to give me the look….the look that says I might want to put it in THE pile…but nope!! She was thrilled…I mean seriously happy-dance happy that I owned this piece. She told me to hang this front and centre and wear it!! No excuses. Honestly…Kim is great at giving you A) permission to throw stuff out and B) confidence to wear something that you love.
Accessorize Your Wardrobe
Accessorize, accessorize, accessorize!!
One of the things I mentioned to Kim was the fact that I am a Snowbird. Every year I waste so much money buying full ensembles for the fall. Given that I am only going to wear these outfits for 4-6 weeks it is a complete waste of money. Kim gave me great suggestions on how to shop my own closet. Wear what I have and update by mixing and matching with jackets, jewellery and scarves.
My clothes can breathe now that we have weeded some items out, everything is not crammed in. Not only that, but Kim arranged them in a way that makes complete sense. I have a spring/summer jacket section, fall section and a fur section…lol…who knew there was a fur section to be had? LOL
Shoes = Happiness
I love the way she organized my shoes with all the flats together. When you can see them you actually wear them.
I love how hands-on Kim was without being overbearing or intrusive. After all…your closet is a pretty private area. There was no judgement at any time. Completely professional and knowledgeable. We took some photos on my phone of outfits that she suggested so I wouldn’t forget. Great idea…because when I went back through the photos I had forgotten a few of them.
Closet Tips
Kim advocates quality over quantity “buy the best you can afford”…” having the essentials are key, then you can add a few seasonal pieces for fun without breaking the bank or worse…buying things you will never wear.”
When Kim was done she left me with some suggestions for my closet. She recommends having all of my clothes hangers the same. It creates uniformity in your closet and is much more pleasing to look at. Another tip was to have a couple of closet butlers. (the little rods that pull out). Kim suggested every week I look at my clothes and choose a couple of items that I haven’t worn in a while. Make the decision to wear them. Hang them on the butlers so that they are front and centre…I am more apt to wear the pieces if I see them every time I walk into my closet. I ordered the butlers the next day from Amazon. As for the hangers…I got rid of enough stuff that I now have back up hangers…maybe I need to go shopping! LOL
The following day I received an email from Kim with suggestions on a few items I might want to purchase for the season. I took her up on some of them. I needed a new pair of boots and a skirt that went below my knees. While I was out shopping for a skirt in the length she suggested, I texted Kim a photo of what I was looking at and I got a thumbs up from her!
Closet Reskue for the WIN!
I am thrilled to have had Kim at Closet Reskue come over and help me with mu Closet Reskue. It was not only so insightful but also a lot of fun!! I would highly recommend her to anyone. Snowbirds would benefit from her expertise especially since our fall season can be a bit shorter here than others. If you are a young professional starting out Kim would expertly guide you in the right direction in growing your closet with the absolute essentials and some fun pieces that will show off your personality. Maybe you would just love someone to come over and show you new ways to wear outfits that you already own…whatever your reason…I guarantee you ….you will not be disappointed. OMGOSH…I almost forgot….she does men’s closets too!!! Oh Steeeeeeve!!!…LOL…Imagine her organizing your closet? Golf shirts, dress shirts, spaghetti shirts, black jeans….aaaaannnnnd we’re done!
Some of Kim’s suggestions for my fall wardrobe.
Suits are in! Wear them with these fabulous, platform sneakers. I cannot wait to find the perfect pair. I’ll be able to extend the season with them by bringing them south. So many fun things for them to go with.
I love these…it goes to show that you can have a sexy shoe with a kitten heel….so long 4″ stilettos. So much safer for dancing on the bar too…oh geez…did I actually say that? (Sorry, Florida Mom – Please don’t tell dad!!)
For anyone that is local, you really need to give her a call. Very reasonably priced. Call Kim, I promise you, you will not be disappointed.
905 334-1438
Happy Fri-yay everyone. I am heading up to my closet to play!!

Suzanne Colasimone
October 5, 2019 at 9:17 AMShe did a great job Mare! Now your closet looks like a boutique. I would love to call her, but I would have to clean it out before she comes to clean it up Lol!!
October 5, 2019 at 1:27 PMjust get rid of your dust bunnies…NOT that you would have any in your house!!
You will be amazed at what she comes up with Sue. xo
Mary Lynn
October 5, 2019 at 10:10 AMWow your closet looks amazing. I am going home to clean mine and start organizing and purging. Kim is so right we keep things we are never going to wear.
Love this …..thank you ??
October 5, 2019 at 1:26 PMGlad you’ve been inspired ML….nothing like a freshly organized closet. It makes you feel as though you’ve been shopping!!
Andrée Jean
October 5, 2019 at 11:13 AMThank you Mare! She did an amazing job in your closet, looks great!
I will definitely contact Kim??… love the ideal suit and sneaker!
October 5, 2019 at 1:25 PMAwesome Andree. You won’t be disappointed!! …and seriously love that look too! Can we talk first so that we DON’T get the same one!!!!
October 5, 2019 at 11:30 AMExcellent job, and so hard to do. I got excited when I read your title, thought for a moment you were having a closet sale lol
October 5, 2019 at 1:19 PMHA HA….Come shop my closet anytime you want Kell!!!!! Thanks for stopping in. PS…your trip looked amazing!!!! xo
Mary Ferguson - Allan
October 5, 2019 at 1:59 PMLove what she did Marion looks so organised and everything in it’s place. Don’t think you’ll be shopping much in Chicos as they are closing all their stores. Will only be selling on line. Saw it on the web this morning along with a load of other stores including Bed Bath and Beyond. All state side.
October 5, 2019 at 2:09 PMThanks for the info. Ill stock up even more on those little cammies…I love them.
Betty King
October 6, 2019 at 8:29 AMPurging is difficult! I definitely need help!!? Not only my closet but every cupboard in the house. If you have lots of storage you tend to keep stuff!
As for CFMP’s ….you definitely need to keep them for dancing on the bar at BB! Keep one pair. I have mine! Florida mom xxo
October 6, 2019 at 3:56 PMOH-MY-GOSH!!!! No wonder I am the way I am!!!! Ya know what they say????? The nut doesn’t fall far from the tree!
I love a good purge!! As I mentioned to one of the girls above, I did my garage this week and am going to tackle the basement next week…and then I am done….see ya soon Ma!!!
October 6, 2019 at 8:30 AMLove, love your closet! Kim did an amazing job…you must feel so good to have that done. I’ll definitely be putting Kim’s contact in my Rolodex!!!!
Have fun dressing up! ???????
Oh BTW I finally got this at 4:00 am this morning.
October 6, 2019 at 3:52 PMSo happy to hear you are adding Kim to your contact list….Rolodex? LOL…you are dating yourself, dear friend!!! LOL
…and ya…I think everyone got the email at the same time. I quadrupled checked my post date and time and i 100% had it done correctly, so I have no idea what happened. Thanks for dropping in Janet.
October 6, 2019 at 9:22 AMGreat suggestion Mare! I’m going to get organized this year and this is on my list to do!
October 6, 2019 at 3:50 PMIt’s a great feeling Brenda. This IS the year of getting organized. I got my garage done this past week as well and then on to the basement. It just makes life so much easier when everything has its place.
Thanks for the comment…or double comment…lol….Hopefully, the next blog post is actually published when it is supposed to be. Sorry for the difficulties in your response. I will need to get that figured out! Thanks for stopping by Brenda!!!
October 6, 2019 at 9:24 AMGreat idea Mare. This is the year of getting organized and that’s on my list. Looks great !
October 6, 2019 at 4:15 PMMarion, dancing on the bar?? I can’t believe you would ever do such a thing!! LOL
October 7, 2019 at 1:09 PMJust rumours!!! LOL….
marion hunter
October 6, 2019 at 9:12 PMEvery fall I say I’m going to purge the closets.. yes I have a couple …stuffed with different sizes?. Time seems to get away from me.
This will begin tomorrow.. really .
The easiest way to find your decorating style. – Savvy Snowbirds
January 21, 2021 at 7:05 PM[…] The first thing you are probably asking yourself is “where do I even start?” A good place to start is your closet…I know right? Why your closet? Your closet says so much about what colours you are comfortable with. It’s the colours that you wear day in and day out. Some of you might be thinking…well my closet is mainly black. Then you are probably comfortable with grey which is a great neutral starting point. BTW… If you missed my blog on closet clean-out you can see it HERE […]