Happy spring!!! Can you believe it…it’s the last weekend of March and then it’s April Showers bring May Flowers. I think I read that as I am writing this it is snowing at home!
Spring definitely has a different meaning depending on where you are.
If you are north, your version of spring is probably warmer weather, spring buds, more wildlife….squirrels darting across the lawn and mama birds busy making new nests for their young. Hopefully the little fox family survived another winter at my Corner House. Spring means trips to the nursery stores and maybe cleaning the garage too! Ok…so for the latter maybe hire someone…but the rest sounds delightful!
For me spring means getting ready to go home….not quite pack up and leave….but I start to consider what’s in the pantry that needs to be used, clothes that can be donated, organizing drawers and cupboards so that everything is in its place when I come back in the fall. A few years ago I wrote this blog POST about closing your winter home for the summer season. It is a comprehensive list from the ‘experts’. A very boring read for my northern friends. 🙂
To all of us I think Springs means Easter, Mother’s Day and maybe spending happy times with family, fresh air, windows open and longs walks….oh, and muddy paws…eeesh. There is no mud in Florida. I love that!
I’ve been adding some spring/Easter touches to my front porch -easy easy- these could be made to keep inside your house too for my northern friends.
I picked up a small flat of flowers from a local store. I have a couple of containers in my garage that I rummaged through for some decorative pieces. For planters I used some containers and baskets that I already owned. I think most of these decor items came from the dollar store and Hobby Lobby. Cheap! Cheap!
Loving the colour of these flowers! It’s cute a night with candle on.
I love this ceramic container. I bought it from Lauren Haskell Designs Lo Home
She makes some lovely pieces. I have purchased some of her ginger jars for the Corner House. HERE
I bought a couple of these Hyacinth vases at Fresh Market. They definitely make your house smell spring time fresh!!
Tank, Steve and I go on a bunny hunt every night. We were out on a hunt one evening when a lady stopped us and asked what we were doing. Without giving it much thought we said “we are hunting bunnies” Well…..the look of horror on the poor lady’s face!!! We recovered quickly to say that we don’t hunt to kill…only to count them. She was quite relieved and we had a bit of a chuckle over it. Our bunny hunts are usually Steve against me and Tank. I swear when Tank sees one…he stops, then he slinks down like he’s going to catch a monster until we make a big deal about it….”good boy Tank, what a good boy!!!” Then Tank straightens up and I swear to you….he looks at Steve as if to say “another bunny for me pal” and he walks away with his head held high and a pep in his step. I am not kidding…this is what our nightly entertainment has come to….that and binge watching Friday Night Lights.
I LOVE my lime tree and I am going to definitely miss it when I go home! I pick them quicker than they grow! Did you know that limes have basically the same benefits as lemons do? Lemons have slightly more minerals and vitamins but the difference is too slight to worry about. I love “JOYOUS HEALTH” Click on the name for a rundown on the benefits of drinking a glass of lemon or lime water every morning on an empty stomach. Joy has a great website with lots of delicious recipes too! I did a POST years ago that lists 45 uses for lemons!
If you read my blog about fresh herbs HERE you will love this potato salad Joy created using lots of fresh basil, parsley, chives, rosemary and dill! All the yumminess you can ask for! RECIPE
I will miss this front porch when I leave Florida to return to the Corner House. Tank and I have been living out here all season. We have our morning coffee out here while texting with my Fab Four. We read, make crafts, meditate and do a bit of yoga too.
Enjoy spring everyone!! It’s such a lovely time of the year knowing that you have the entire summer ahead of you! I’m missing my mom, my family and my friends that I haven’t seen all season and I really am looking forward to getting home.
Just the cutest little snoot!

Marion Hunter
March 26, 2022 at 2:25 PMLoving spring here as well.. you’re right it means different ‘things’ to many..but it’s always exciting to ‘start a season’ fresh ideas, garden plans, porch dinner plans again. Thx for this great blog M
March 27, 2022 at 8:39 AMGood morning Marion. I could have sworn I replied to you yesterday! LOL..but I dont see the message.
Thank you for always leaving such sweet comments. I hope you stop by for tea this summer and we will sit on the porch and watch the world go by.
March 27, 2022 at 8:16 AMA new season with beautiful flowers , colours and the birds are back. Caleays enjoy your posts Marion !
March 27, 2022 at 8:21 AMThanks Brenda. I hope the weather gets a bit nicer for you!
In like a lion…out like a lamb….isn’t that what they say? LOL
Have a terrific Sunday.
March 27, 2022 at 8:31 AMHappy Spring. I’m having the same thoughts re: getting ready to pack up and head home. I loved this post. Great ideas on the planters and simple to do to add some instant colour to our lanai.
I love it when I open my computer and you have posted a blog that I can enjoy with my morning tea. I wish you would do more. 🙂
March 27, 2022 at 8:33 AMThanks Sarah. THat’s so sweet. I love opening my computer and seeing lovely messages like yours!
Have a great day.
Mary Lynn
March 27, 2022 at 8:41 AMThe flowers look so pretty. Talking to Tracy yesterday in California and they were heading to the nursery, another couple of months for us but it will come and yes I hope we have a normal summer this year.
ML xo
March 27, 2022 at 9:12 AMThanks ML! I am talking to my mom right now and she is saying that is snowing like crazy!!! Lol
Bring on spring!!!!!
I am all over Pinterest saving garden pics!
I am so looking forward to our summer get togethers!
Mary Ferguson - Allan
March 27, 2022 at 9:45 AMWow !! love the the colours of the flowers and the settings of the planters, you have just given me an idea for something new for my deck when we can have flowers again. In saying that my daffodils are coming up now and so is the larkspur. So yes a sure sign of spring for us up here in the north. Love the photos of my favourite dog, so looking forward to seeing him and of course you too. Love to you and Steve.xx
March 27, 2022 at 2:29 PMThanks!! It is a happy place for sure. It’s nice that your spring flowers are coming up. They will add a little extra happiness to your life!
See you soon! Xo
Suzanne Colasimone
March 27, 2022 at 10:27 AMFabulous pictures Mare!!!! Your garden looks beautiful. It makes me excited to have my yard looking alive again and hopefully have a restriction free summer. Thanks for sharing 😘💕
March 27, 2022 at 2:30 PMI remember how fabulous YOUR flowers were last summer Sue!!! Your front garden was stunning.
I can’t wait to see you and look forward to some fun evenings out!! Xo
March 27, 2022 at 1:22 PMHaha Tank and the bunny hunt. What a cutie! Spring is my fave time on year in Victoria ! It’s known as Garden City 🙂
March 27, 2022 at 2:32 PMI know right? Such a little doll! Love my little man and he misses Scoobs!
Fingers crossed that I get to Victoria soon to enjoy some hiking and coffee shops too!
March 28, 2022 at 11:26 AMI love, love, love your blog!!! I am always happy to see one pop up in my inbox. I actually save them so that I can read them peacefully with a tea. Your dog really does have the cutest little “snoot”
March 28, 2022 at 11:28 AMAhhhh…thanks so much Julie! What a lovely comment. It means so much to me.
Happy Monday and Happy Spring, wherever you are!! Thanks for stopping in.
Jacqueline Wells
March 29, 2022 at 10:27 AMGreat fun advice. Thanks for sharing and bringing happiness along the way! jw
March 29, 2022 at 10:49 AMThanks JW!! Have a great day. Xo
Ann Burbidge
March 29, 2022 at 5:37 PMI loved reading every word! Love the inspirational photos and blessed to be your neighbor/friend!!!
~The Busy Bee
March 29, 2022 at 7:37 PMThanks Busy Bee!!!! So fun having you as a neighbour too! Shenanigans all day, everyday!
March 30, 2022 at 11:55 AMI love your porch! It looks like the perfect spot to meditate and do some yoga. Does your dog do yoga with you? Every time I pull my mat out mine thinks it’s an invitation. I try to shoo her out of the way but she usually wins and I do my practice on the floor beside her.
March 30, 2022 at 12:02 PMHAHA….That’s funny Laura. Yes, Tank does the same thing. Sometimes I come home from somewhere and there he is laying on my mat. I wonder if he’s done a practice while I’ve been out!!! LOL
Thanks for sharing! Have a great day.
March 31, 2022 at 9:42 AMI love your bunny story. Evening entertainment sure does change over the years doesn’’t it?
Your porch is so pretty and colourful! Would you mind telling us where you got your poofs from? I can see two different ones in the photo above. An orange one and a blue one! I am looking for something similar that can be outside. Keep on posting Savvysnowbird!!!! Love your blog.
March 31, 2022 at 9:47 AMHey Debbie. Thanks for your kind message. So nice of you to say you love my blog. I bought both of the poofs from Home Goods. They were not expensive at all…I want to say 39.99 each. They are really light. If they get wet they dry quickly too. I love them. I keep popping into Home Goods hoping they will get some more. I’d like to take some home with me.
Have a great day! Thanks again.