26 In Fabulous over Fifty/ Health Lifestyle Choices

My Battle with Imposter Syndrome

The Paralyzing Fear of Writing a Blog Post:

My Battle with Imposter Syndrome


Someone asked me the other day when my next blog post was coming out. I had to laugh – not because it was funny, but because that familiar knot of anxiety instantly formed in my stomach. Want to know the truth? Sometimes I’m just a big ol’ chicken.

This post has no photos, no cute pics of Tank (sorry) just honest to goodness truth. Right now, I’m sitting here staring at my laptop screen. My fingers are hovering over the keyboard, and my heart’s doing this weird flutter thing it always does when I try to write. You’d think after all this time, it would get easier but it hasn’t.

Every single time I sit down to write, my brain starts its favourite little game of “What If?What if nobody cares what I have to say? What if I sound stupid? What if people read this and think, “Who does she think she is?” That is the BIG one!!  The questions pile up until they’re practically suffocating me.

Steve keeps telling me I’m being insecure. Nicely, of course. 😉 He’s given me so many pep talks I think he could start a motivational speaking career. “You are a great writer,” he says. I love him for it, but he has to say that…I’m his wife 😂 Trusting yourself is complicated when your inner critic has a big fricken megaphone and zero chill.

I can read other people’s blogs all day long. Their words flow so effortlessly, their insights seem so profound, and here I am, second-guessing whether I should even use an exclamation point. The comparison trap is real,  and let me tell you – it’s exhausting!

Let’s call this what it is – classic imposter syndrome. That nagging feeling that somehow, despite everything I’ve done, I’m still just pretending to be a writer. It’s like I’m waiting for someone to burst through my door and yell, “Aha! We finally caught you! You have no idea what you’re doing, do you?”

But here’s something I’m slowly learning: maybe it’s okay that I’m scared. Maybe being nervous means I care. When I stop thinking about my blog as some kind of performance art and start seeing it as just… me, sharing my story, it feels different. Not easier, exactly, but different.

I’ve started doing this thing where I write ideas in my journal first – no pressure, no audience, just me and my thoughts. Gawd I love my journal.📔  Sometimes those scattered journal entries turn into blog posts and sometimes they don’t.

The truth is, the fear might never completely go away. But I’m learning to work with it instead of fighting it. It’s like having an annoying roommate – you can’t kick them out, so ya better figure out how to live with ‘em.

So here I sit, still nervous as ever, but somehow managing to type words onto a screen. Maybe there’s someone else out there staring at their own blank page, feeling just as wobbly as I do. And if not? Well, at least I’ve given my inner chicken something to cluck about. 😉

Next time you notice there hasn’t been a post from me in a while, you’ll know why. I’m probably sitting here, being a big ol’ chicken, gathering my courage to hit that publish button again. 🐓


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  • Reply
    Sally Stoermer
    February 28, 2025 at 6:11 AM

    The truth is you are a great writer and Steve is 100% right (you don’t have to tell him that lol). I truly believe the truly talented people suffer in silence from this same feeling from entertainers, comedians, speakers , CEO”s etc. I’ve even heard Mel Robbin’s speak about hers so let faith win over fear and write on my friend.

    • Reply
      February 28, 2025 at 7:19 AM

      Thanks Sally. I won’t say a word to him 😂 I am a huge Mel fan. I am reading the Let Them Theory. I listen to her podcasts while walking Tank. She is so authentic and open about the challenges she has faced in her life both personally and professionally. I take what she says to heart ❤️
      Thanks for stopping in. I think about you and of course your daughter often. Still praying for a happy and healthy ending to this ordeal. You are in both of our thoughts Sally. 💕

    • Reply
      Debra MacRae
      February 28, 2025 at 9:23 AM

      Yes you are a great writer. I set everything aside when I see your email come in so I can read it. It’s fun, makes me laugh out loud sometimes, always sincere. Love it

      And you’re not alone. I have now lived in Goderich for 5 years and I have met a ton of lovely people and I think how lucky I am to have so many new friends but… if they knew the real me, everything about me, would
      they still like me. Starting EMDR next week. Fingers crossed.

      • Reply
        February 28, 2025 at 11:56 AM

        Awww…shucks Deb!!! You’re making me blush. Lol This is such a lovely message and I truly appreciate your words.
        I know you and I know you are so authentic and your new friends are seeing the true you whether you realize it or not.
        Good luck with the new Doc next week!! That’s exciting! I will be sharing what’s new with me in my next blog. Stay tuned baby cakes cause it’s BIG!!! Really – really BIG!! 😉

    • Reply
      March 8, 2025 at 9:46 AM

      Hi Marion
      You are an excellent writer, when I actually sit down and read your blogs I really enjoy them.

      Keep writing

      • Reply
        March 8, 2025 at 11:18 AM

        Good morning Anita. Thanks for the kind words. Have a great weekend. 😊

  • Reply
    Marnie Crompton
    February 28, 2025 at 7:18 AM

    Well I think you are a wonderful writer! I enjoy waking up to your Savvy Snowbird Blogs!! Keep doing what you Love Marion, you most definitely have a knack for putting pen to paper. I love catching up this way as we don’t see you often enough. You love what you do and you have a gift, keep on doing what you love!! I think that in itself is the ultimate dream! 😉

    • Reply
      February 28, 2025 at 7:25 AM

      Hey Miss Marnie!!! So nice to hear from you and thank you for such kind words. I know we always SAY ‘let’s get together’ and then life gets in the way. We seriously need to do something about that! We would love to see you guys when we get home. This could be a blog title…’when life gets in the way’ lol. 😂
      Thanks for dropping me a line Marnie…I will visit your response often when I get that dreaded feeling 💕 keep on doing what you love!! I think that in itself is the ultimate dream 💕 Thanks 😊

  • Reply
    February 28, 2025 at 7:40 AM

    One would never know that you feel that way Marion. You come across as such a confident person. This all seems so natural for you. I think many of us wish we could do what you do. Keep clucking! We love it…I know I do.

    • Reply
      February 28, 2025 at 8:12 AM

      Ha ha…I am pretty sure Steve thinks I cluck all day long! LOL
      Thanks for the sweet message Susan.
      I hope you have a great weekend.

  • Reply
    February 28, 2025 at 7:44 AM

    Like the lady above that said she loves your clucking…me too. LOL. 😂
    Fear holds too many of us back from doing what we love. I started painting in my later years. I am 75. I wish more than anything I had overcome my fears earlier in life and had started way back when I first thought about it. I am at total peace when I have a brush in my hand. You probably feel the same way with pen and paper. Thanks for sharing your fear. That in itself must have been difficult.

    • Reply
      February 28, 2025 at 8:19 AM

      At least you DID start Laura. I have a friend that has taken up painting too and I think she feels the same way as you in that she is at peace while painting. I’d love to see some of your work. Maybe email me privately? [email protected]
      I do feel very peaceful while I am writing in my journal…but I think the difference is – nobody will ever see it – I really need to burn them! LOL WAY too many secrets. Sharing my work is scary…but working hard on overcoming the fear. Thank you Laura for sharing. I hope your day is amazing.

  • Reply
    February 28, 2025 at 7:53 AM

    I love when I sit with my tea in the morning and I see a blog from Savvy Snowbird. We used to pay our kids to get over their fears. Our daughter was afraid to jump off a diving board. We offered her money to do it. She did it, we paid her and she never looked back. Sometimes we all need that extra little something to get us to face our fear and just say FU🤭 and go for it. I am happy to read that you are doing exactly that. I am not an expert in much of anything but I can tell you that I honestly love to read your blog. 💕

    • Reply
      February 28, 2025 at 8:08 AM

      That is funny that you say you paid your kids to face their fears. Our daughter was terrified to go on a roller coaster while the family was on an outing at a theme park. We offered her money. She kept saying no and we kept upping it to the point that the boys started feigning fear! LOL. Long story short…she finally went on one and same thing happened. She never looked back and has since gone sky diving and bungee jumped off the highest bridge in South Africa. NUTS!!!! Thanks so much for your kind words Lori. I appreciate them. Have a great day.

  • Reply
    Jacqueline Jane Wells
    February 28, 2025 at 9:07 AM

    Hey Marion! you are on the money when it comes to finding the words to “whatever” needs to inspire the folks that love your ideas and just like being your friend! No worries! I am so pleased you are still giving it a whirl. Love those whirls!
    As for me, I am still trying to break out to find another “me” .. now that’s not an easy task … As I think, i write .. so you will not have perfect sentence and punctuation … it’s just me… Hugs .. Jackie

    • Reply
      February 28, 2025 at 11:58 AM

      Miss JW…I was thinking about you last week. I was walking past the bocce ball courts and picturing you out there playing. Lol. Isn’t it funny that I should hear from you today.
      You don’t need to find “another me” YOU are amazing ….absolutely AMAZING and STRONG just the way you are….and who gives a crap about punctuation anyways lol.
      You take care and have a terrific day!!

  • Reply
    Danielle Ross
    February 28, 2025 at 9:25 AM

    Marion, I love how you’re brutally honest with yourself and with your readers. That’s what makes your blogs so interesting to read. Keep on writing. I love waking up on the morning and seeing a new post in my inbox . It makes my day.

    • Reply
      February 28, 2025 at 11:52 AM

      Thanks Danielle. It is so nice to hear that you love seeing a new post from me. Makes MY day.
      🥰 Thank you so much for the compliment.

  • Reply
    Val Cater
    February 28, 2025 at 1:39 PM

    Mare, you certainly have a talent to write real, raw feelings and emotions. Can’t say many could expose themselves the way you do. Whether informative, humorous or emotional, your blogs are honest and that’s what we all love about you. Keep up your gifted abilities to write…. you are no Imposter!

    • Reply
      March 2, 2025 at 8:16 AM

      Well Val, I have learned that it is much better to expose myself on paper than exposing my dancing skills (or lack of) on tables!! LOL
      Thanks for always being so supportive of everything I do and everything I go through too. YOU have been in my corner more times than i can count and I love you for it.

  • Reply
    Betty King
    February 28, 2025 at 6:19 PM

    MELD! You are a great writer. Steve and I were talking about your writing on Sunday. I agree with him that you should write a book. You have a gift….use it!
    xx BBMA

    • Reply
      March 2, 2025 at 8:14 AM

      Well if you, my BBMA says so it MUST be true!!! Thanks for being such an amazing support Ma. I truly appreciate you.

  • Reply
    Ann Burbidge
    March 1, 2025 at 5:06 PM

    YOU are the REAL DEAL Marion!
    I love your posts! I look forward to seeing your your heart and mind create next!

    • Reply
      March 2, 2025 at 8:13 AM

      Thanks so much Ann…and a HUGE congratulations to the success of Naples Tables and raising over a million dollars for the community! You completely rocked it my friend. I am so proud of you. You are going to sleep for a much deserved week. Lol

  • Reply
    Susan Sgro
    March 2, 2025 at 12:18 AM

    All the “truly greats” have doubts….. remember that and keep doing what you’re doing. Your writing is
    thought provoking , an interesting perspective , entertaining and honest. Keep doing what you love . You’ve got this !!

    • Reply
      March 2, 2025 at 8:12 AM

      Thanks Susan. This is such a lovely message from you and I appreciate the kind words very much.

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