There are a few obvious signs that spring has sprung….we’ve got April showers…soon to be May showers…seriously – Mother Nature give us a break. We’ve celebrated March Madness with…
Sunday, I had the opportunity to spend a couple of hours roaming around the downtown core of Oakville. I was a bit surprised by the number of empty storefronts.…
Have you heard of the BLUE ZONE? Such an interesting concept. This is not a diet it is a lifestyle. Here in Bonita Bay, we have approximately 800 members…
This is it as suggested by Medical News Today…the ninth most popular diet in the Western world. Do you have one that resonates more than another? Leave a message…
Day 8 of the 8 most popular diets today according to Medical News Today. A raw food diet involves mainly unprocessed, whole, plant-based, and preferably organic, foods. Three-quarters of…